Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rwanda Map - Body of Christ Church - New Church in Rwanda from 2000 at Kicukiro.

Body of Christ Church International Ministry is working in Kigali, Kamonyi, Nyarutarama, Cyangugu, Kisenyi, Huye.....
International Religious Freedom

The International Religious Freedom report is submitted to Congress annually by the Department of State in compliance with Section 102(b) of the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998. This report supplements the most recent Human Rights Reports by providing additional detailed information with respect to matters involving international religious freedom. It includes individual country chapters on the status of religious freedom worldwide. (Posted by Amani Placide)

Rwanda Religion

The Rwandan government reported on November 1, 2006, that 56.5% of the Rwanda's population is Roman Catholic, 26% is Protestant, 11.1% is Seventh-day Adventist, 4.6% is Muslim, 1.7% claims no religious affiliation, and 0.1% practices traditional indigenous beliefs.[1] This study indicates a 6.9 percent increase in the number of Catholics and a 17.9 percent decline in the number of Protestants (which can in large part be explained by breaking out the growing Seventh-day Adventist church separately) from the 2001 survey figures.[1] The figures for Protestants include the growing number of members of Jehovah's Witnesses (about 14,000) and evangelical Protestant groups.[1] There is also a small population of Baha'is. There has been a proliferation of small, usually Christian-linked schismatic religious groups since the 1994 genocide,[1] as well as substantial conversion to Islam. ( Posted by Amani Placide friends of all).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reconciliation by BCC and IAL ( by Apostle & Dr. Amani placide)

This is a conference on reconciliation in Kigali at Hotel Novotel (Umubano) with a preacher from Australia.. Ambassadors of some country like South Africa, Kenya, China and people from international NGOs participate with their family. ( in 2003).

Kicukiro dans le feu du Saint Esprit avec Body of christ church en 2000 sous les préducation puissante de Amani après quelques années du génocide rawndais de 1994. C'est possible de changer les pensées de génocide par la Bible la parole de Dieu en Afrique et dans le monde. Prions pour le pays des collines le Rwanda pour la paix total.

Les premiers personnes  à se faire baptiser par l'homme de Dieu Amani Placide à Kicukiro-Kigali.

Amani Placide homme des grandes foules dans son du ministère du réveil spirituel partout en Afrique et dans le monde. Son Ministère a une grande influance sur le peuple comme tu le vois sur cette photo du pays des plusieurs collines - Rwanda rwa Gasabo sur le stade de Nymirambo (Tapis rouge). Ceci était justement après deux mois des premières élections pluraristes du Rwanda.

Makiso à Kisangani en RD. Congo en 1991 et 1992. Eglise Corps de Christ Ministère International Oeuvre de l'homme de Dieu l'Amani Placide ( Président and Visionnaire) avant de partir au Gabon et Cameroun pour l'implantation de la dite Eglise. Dieu est grand , actuellement nous avons plusieurs Eglises et autres ministres formés par le Corps des Christ.



January, 22  2010

I BENON MUTABAZI Ugandan with 22 years old born in Kasese - Munkunyu, feel much inspired to speak to all people world wide especially to the Christian born again of Body of Christ Church ministries my incommensurable testimony, about what the grace of God which can turn you and makes you someone admirable by the whole world.

Before to know the truth about the Lord Jesus, I was enslaved by sins and had no way to avoid sinning. Almost I did all kinds of evils by the influence of the devil many times. Therefore I was under pressure from Satan to do wrong in the eyes of people and God. So, every thing I did was condemned by my friends, brother s and other people around me.

2007 November, the Lord was annoyed with me and my dids, he punished and I failed to continue with the studies because there was no money at home to enable, to go on with studies. To my own opinion I think that this was the lords way of punishing me, After this failure I decided to come to the city Kampala to join city life of taking nights out side clubs drinking and dancing risking all my life, But I thank so much the lord our savior who never disowns his children. He got me from down and arose me back to life like he did to his son Jesus Christ arising him from death back to lie.

In 2009 July, God the father of heavens and earth and all things that lives in them, through his through his Son in the fellowship with the Holy Spirit led me to one blessed man in the names of apostle & Dr. Amani Placide who continually loved me and preached me about the true love of the Lord Jesus and I occasionally understood every thing he talked to me, in his preaching, he all the times meet me at my place of work and he regularly increased my strength of faith.

So, September of the same year, I was very much touched by Holy Spirit and one of the body of Christ church members in the name of Bishop Okelo Samson form Bunia-DR. Congo, was always together with Apostle after preaching to me much about the meaning of water baptism, after true understanding of his explanation, I was much encouraged to accept and to receive my baptism at the same time on Saturday 16th Oct 2009, at Kabaka’s Lake in Ndeba, then with this baptism, I was very happy at that time, even now I feel grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because I’m my prayer was answered.

Actually, I am preaching to many people about the love of my Jesus at my place of work every day. I say that the Lord’s grace is very large to reach every one in the whole world; you too can get these challenges or more than these if you trust in him like I have done.

So, in November, my Apostle Amani Placide prayed for me and the Lord answered positively my prayers, then I started getting some changes of promotion at work, within my company called Click Computer Center based in Uganda house Kampala which deals Aquarium business. So, I am increasing the sells of fish stock and decorative aquarium. My boss paid highly my salary which was around 250,000 - 400,000 at the same time that is why I say halleluiah, what an amazing grace!!!

If any one wants to know about Aquarium business, then I’m the rightful person to be contacted at Click Computer Center at Uganda house, treatment of fish making plus all kinds of decorative aquarium for informations on this business. My fellow believers let us help one another to understand the hidden truth in the goodness of the lord Jesus.

Body of Christ church ministry is responsible for my inspiration to give this testimony. However this is not enough the Bible has many promises that our father vowed to do for us if we obey his word, which is why I call upon all sinners of to know the truth about our Lord Jesus. Come up and begin fighting the devil against black minding God’s people. In fact now, I became a reader of the Bible for me to get more confidence and hope, prosperity and internal life with Jesus.

But the question that always asks in my heart is what about prisoners and disabled street people? When I think about these brothers and sisters, I really become feared. I feel if given opportunity, I can reach them with sympathy to prisoners and street disabled people and preach to many the gospel of Jesus. Why should we ignore our brothers yet we were also prisoners like them? And I will also go forward to appreciate the large and incommensurable work done by apostle to my life here in Uganda.

In this blessed Body of Christ Church International Ministry, I got even a very good friends and Pastors whom we share our happiness and gratitude from which comes from the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, one of them is Pastor KAYITARE Leandre, Pastor Elijah, Pastor JOB and many others. They really encouraged me all the time to hold strongly in the ministry.

I wish that the Lord can bless everyone in this ministry, so that we can support its work in Uganda like schools for orphans and for street kids. Let many churches should build up a spirit of helping others.

I would like finally to attribute my inspiration writing this massage to the Body of Church Uganda as the first born again disciple of this newly church, and I promise my pastors in Uganda and others churches that I will happily work for God to bring back his glory under Body of Christ church.

May the Lord of all authority, father of heaven and earth and his son S Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to work with us in every thing we do for our Lord Jesus might God. Amen.

Call Benon to pray for you now on this:
Mobile Phone Number : +256 779455184
Send a message via his personnaly e-mail:

Flags : Those cousntries are friends of our ministry Body of Christ Church (Africa). CANDA, RWANDA, UGANDA, US, UK, GABON, KENYA, BURUNDI, TANZANIA, SA, TOGO, BENIN, NIGERIA,BELGIUM, FRANCE AND ISRAEL.

Apostle & Dr. Amani Placide has ministered in all those country physically and others by net to

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Caractéristiques des Apôtres ou d'un Apôtre selon la Bible.(par Amani Placide)

Caractéristiques des Apôtres ou d'un Apôtre

Planter des églises (1 Corinthiens: 3:10-11, Galates: 1:6-10, 3:13)

Porter l'Evangile à partout dans le monde (Romains :15:20, Romains: 15:20)

Nommer et former les dirigeants (Actes: 14:21-23 et Tite: 1:5, Actes: 14:21-23 et Tite: 1:5)

Traiter des problèmes doctrinaux et le péché (1 Corinthiens: 1:1-16:24 et Actes: 15, 1 Corinthiens: 1:1-16:24 et Actes: 15)

Mise en réseau des églises et promotion de l'unité (1 Corinthiens: 16:1-4, Ephésiens: 4:1-16, Romains: 15:25-27)

Démontrer et répandre les dons spirituels(2 Timothée: 1:6-7, 2 Corinthiens: 12:12, Actes: 4:33, Actes: 8:4-20, 10:44-46, Actes: 19:16)

Pas de manipulation ou d'auto-promotion (2 Corinthiens: 11:7-15)

N’exige pas des garanties financières (2 Corinthiens: 12:14-18)

L’évangile n’est une marchandise (John 2:13-17, Hébreux: 3:1)

L'humilité et diversité (1 Corinthiens: 4:9-13)

Porter une marque de croix - crucifixion personnelle (2 Corinthiens 1:3-7 Philippiens : 3:17-21)

Fidèles intendants financiers (Actes: 4:33-37)


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friends of Rev. Pastor Kayitare in the humanitarian service of State House. ( Bonna bagagaware for the glory of God and for Ugandans).

Bonna Bagagaware is a very important vision of H.E. President Yoweli Museveni Kaguta of Uganda for his people (by Body of Christ Church International Ministry).